Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Suspension Bridge Effect + The Bungling Bridgebuilder's Meditations

(Note: Manga is read right-to-left.)

If man was indeed an island, and you were an island that was fortunate enough to have lots of hemp and wood, what would you build? Would you build a fence around you, to be caulked with satyr beard and serpent tears and with KEEP OFF! and NO TRESPASSING! written all over it? Or will you build a long bridge adorned with mermaid locks and narwhal horns to the mainland, so that you can make all the crossing people feel like falling in love with you? Yes, it will partly depend on how woody and how wooden you are as an island, for more wood is needed to connect yourself with the mainland than to encircle your diameter. In the end, though, it will all depend more on how you look at the time you spent on pondering these and all the many more questions life poses, as life cannot possibly be a poser: a straight path like a bridge, or closing back into itself like a fence.

posted by Ocnarf @ 4:41 PM   0 have spoken


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