Saturday, July 21, 2007

can't a person feel diary-ish every now and then?

The back of my neck's been aching the entire week. Being the paranoid person that I am, I blamed it on all the sisig, kwek-kwek and softdrinks I've had the week before. The only person who was able to convince me otherwise was my healer mother, who proceeded to work the wonders of deep nerve massage therapy on my suffering lymphatic system.

It was worth taking a four hour-long trip back home and going back to elbi with only four hours sleep for her detox. I think I'm finally ready for that goddamn exam, something I haven't been able to feel all week. All of this may change, though, as the people who know me well enough know that my smug nature does not last, that my nerves will only begin to give way when it is only a minute or two away from the actual event, which really really sucks.

To think that I should be reviewing on how to write news articles, editorial articles, checking Philippine Daily Inquirer front pages as layout samples, doing the assignment I honestly don't think I'll be able to do tomorrow even though I'll have the whole afternoon and evening free, or something. Maybe the nature of Communication Arts as a course (think about it: deadlines > exams, skill > effort) does really bring out the procrastinator in a person.

Oh well, maybe I can consider writing this as an exercise in putting thoughts into paper (or HTML code, in this case), which is admittedly not always an easy thing to do. To quote Maddox: "If minds had anuses, blogging would be what your mind would do when it had to take a dump."

Yes, this blog is my toilet. Thanks for looking into the bowl.

posted by Ocnarf @ 8:23 PM   0 have spoken


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