Wednesday, May 23, 2007

And Doom Did Come

Just got the PC back from the repairmen over at Sta. Lucia. Turns out that some files in the HD were corrupted, so they had to reformat it and reinstall Windows to make it useful again, which meant removing my last two or so years worth of computer files down into the technological void.

At least tangible objects could always be retrieved from the trash, no matter how beat-up or rotted away they look. These streams of ones and zeroes are a different story altogether:

Thea 107 publicity pictures and poster designs? Gone.

Papers from my writing classes? Gone.

Unfinished short stories that were supposed to be Pantas material? Gone.

Two or so years worth of downloaded music? Gone.

Diablo 2 level eighty-something Whirlwind Barbarian, Warcraft 3 DotA maps, Guilty Gear XX #Reload and Guilty Gear Isuka save files? Gone.

Back at Sta. Lucia I was doing all shorts of shit to calm my shocked nerves. Lots of food, PS2, toy shopping, clothes shopping, hanging around at the old card shop, thinking of getting a new computer, etc. Thankfully, coffee did the trick.

Maybe this is bad karma due to the previous post. If so, why oh why does life have to be so ironic?

"Clean slate," my parents say. Easy for them to do so, they just backed their projects up a few days ago.

"Wake up call," my self tries to tell myself. Maybe fate is indeed telling me to go write on paper more often, to go find myself a real copy of Lovecraft's "The Call of Cthulhu" and Schopenhauer's "Counsels and Maxims", and to go ahead and buy those Up Dharma Down, Urbandub and Linkin Park CDs.

Still, I'm still trying very hard to stop myself from crying right now. Anybody who thinks I'm simply being sarcastic will be blinded by the salt of my tears.

posted by Ocnarf @ 4:54 AM   4 have spoken


At 5:38 PM, Blogger leia said...

Shucks, I feel your pain. Had it been me, I would be in deep mourning now. Condolonces, I emphatize.

At 6:28 PM, Blogger marielitams said...

tabularasa. hehe.

i remember this twice happening to me. the first time, i became so inspired to produce more material (writings and other whatnot) just so i could use up the space in my computer. the second time, i said, what the heck.

At 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why do we glean the most sentimental thoughts on the most unemotional things? (computers, umbrella, dog tags). but i feel your pain. next time split up your hard drive and convert one to fat32 hwahaha. or something like that.

kuwento ko lang sayo... i found THE Philippine Online Emo Society on friendster. that was what the messed-up links were all about, nga pala. haha. o diba. society chuckers have an online society. they have EBs. bakit?!

At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

alam mo bang di ako nag-iimbak ng files sa HD ko?haha ganyan ako ka-praning, feeling ko anytime pwedeng masira yung PC namin! kasalanan ko din, palagi akong wala sa bahay. nye.



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