Sunday, March 23, 2008

Nobody ever said reading too much was bad for your health (AKA linkspam ranting)

Trust the wacky Japanese. Jin Kobayashi (the guy who draws the School Rumble manga) is either insane, emo, or a wacky genius.

That said, I've been addicted to this manga for several months now. This, plus the Naruto manga, Questionable Content, XKCD and the Perry Bible Fellowship make sure I have next to zero progress when it comes to academics during the weekends. And let's not forget the occasional Wikipedia browsing (and suddenly noticing you have at least four or five new tabs open, because you were right-clicking every link as you read) with the even moar occasional Encyclopedia Dramatica and Maddox for a dose of retardation.

posted by Ocnarf @ 6:20 AM   0 have spoken


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