Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Study on Empathy

"Imagine you're an animal. An animal with a long tail, say a squirrel. Or perhaps a ring-tailed lemur, because they look way cooler. So you're a ring tailed lemur, and you're chasing the tail of another ring-tailed lemur. But it just so happens that the tail you're chasing belongs to a ring-tailed lemur who is too busy chasing the tail of another ring-tailed lemur to notice that you're chasing its tail. All you can hope for now is that the ring-tailed lemur whose tail you're chasing will one day stop, or at least turn around and see you.

That's what love feels like."

-Douglas Adams

Just kidding. I wrote that.

posted by Ocnarf @ 9:57 PM   0 have spoken


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