Saturday, February 09, 2008
Five things I want, two months into 2008
Because I am tagged by Elaine some weeks ago, and because, as my favorite teacher, Ma'am Bheng, always said, "the false sense of empowerment that stems from financial stability and surplus is a fetish of our consumerist society". (Well, something like that, at least.)
In no particular order...
1: Every Optimus Prime figure ever made.
Screw Bumblebee and his movie-spun icon status among today's spoiled-kids-with-rich-parents. Back then, he was just this funny-looking little guy. With horns. And back then, Optimus Prime ruled. He's probably what Darth Vader would sound like if the Sith lord were a good guy.
Note that the above pic doesn't even contain half the Prime figures out there today.
2: The Power Nine (Magic: the Gathering)
Even though I really started playing it around Grade 2, high school was my real Magic: the Gathering phase. I played the game RELIGIOUSLY, to the point of reading articles on theories of playing and all that. Going to college in eLBi has forced me to stop playing seriously (also the lack of funds and a geekfriend playgroup), but I've never actually stopped. I also owe a lot to this game for boosting my vocabulary. I mean, words like "Tithe", "Respite" and "Pedantic" will hardly ever pop up in normal conversation nowadays.
Yes, I still drool at the sight of these nine shitty-looking pieces of cardboard. More so when they're together like that. To think that the each one of the cards costs almost $500 nowadays if it's still in good enough condition.
3: A Lamboghini Gallardo
One of the (few) things that would get me off my procrastinating arse to have my driver's license replaced ASAP (for those who don't know, I haven't done anything about it since the time when my wallet got stolen, which was about a year ago already). Two things: one, it's a really cool-looking car, and two, it almost rhymes with "Regalado". Smack that.
Too bad we don't live in Italy. I'd love to see one of the police car versions of this guy patrolling the streets. Or something like that.
4: A trampoline
Not those little things you see in carnivals. I want one of those big, olympic-sized trampolines (and probably a stadium to put it in), and I'd de-stress by jumping up and down on it all afternoon and probably break my neck, or something like it, in the process.
5: A complete set of parachuting gear, a Beechcraft 18, and a pair of pilots
Since they don't work without each other, consider these as one complete set. So I can finally complete one of the things I REALLY want to do before I die, and I feel will actually be the cause of my death in the distant future.
So there.
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