Wednesday, October 12, 2005

On Drinking and Writing About Drinking

Writing proves either one of two things: either you know something that others don't and you'd like to share it, or you know something others do, but you know how to explain it in a way others can't.

As for me, one of my goals in writing would probably be (be prepared to call me a superficial, trivial writer, but screw it) to describe, in perfect literary detail, what being drunk feels like. Think about it: you get too much alcohol, you feel this temporarily indescribable high (indescribable most probably due to your inability to mantain the proper state of mind), you fall asleep, you wake up the next morning with this HUGE headache and nothing but memories of that high, and how it fostered your relationship with your drinking buddies. All the heaviness, the happiness, the feeling of gently being squeezed in between God's celestial palms...

I think I'm drunk. Or maybe at least high.

Tonight, I'm a zombie. A happily high zombie. *smile*

posted by Ocnarf @ 10:59 PM   1 have spoken


At 11:56 PM, Blogger krista said...

touche`! :p

un lng.

hapi sembreak! wahehe.


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