Wednesday, October 24, 2007
For the record, yes I am still bored (rants, but this time FORTIFIED WITH LINKS! AND PICTURES!)
(taken from
My sentiments exactly. I guess this is a big part of why being a UPLB student sucks: It's so easy to get used to a life where everybody who plays a significant part of your college life literally lives within radius of five minutes' walking, so that when it's time to finally leave the magic mountain of knowledge and once again float down into the separate and separated narratives we each call our real lives, we're basically lost. No matter how interesting your life is, you're back at square one every time you board that bus, jeepney, or whatever back to where you're really supposed to live, before you decided that you'd want to spend a few semesters in semi-retreat from parents and from driving. No matter how much you want to fuck those people and have an adventure, you can't. Sorry. This from a guy who's bitter at the fact that his high school best friends are, respectively, driving wasted around QC, finishing a diploma course and doing exchange student stuff in Singapore.
While I'm on the subject of adventure...

Apparently people still equate eating balut with staring Death right in the face, at least in's 6 Most Terrifying Foods in the World. That's what happens when people look a little too long at their food before eating it.
Beats drinking semi-luminescent blue (meaning there's no way that stuff could have been made after a fruit flavor) Kool-Aid though, in my honest opinion.
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