Monday, April 02, 2007

Three Hundred Nitpicks, and a Day at the Mall

Jan: "You're over-analyzing. You should have just enjoyed it."

Me: "I was. I'm only analyzing it now that we're out of the moviehouse."

This after long-time-no-see-high-school-friend Jan responds to a discussion between me and Krista about the movie "300" 's testosterone factor, which my have played a big part in why she admittedly didn't enjoy the movie as much as me and my two high school friends did.

I dunno. Maybe the "critically-thinking-Iskolar-ng-Bayan" mindset is getting to me. That, and the bottle of red wine I got as a "Best Critic" award during English 103 (Critical Writing) class.

So I think back to the movie we just watched, with all its blood, guts and nipple exposure. I think to myself that maybe there's really no sense in trying to deconstruct a movie that's undeniably good, albeit testosterone-charged, eye candy.

Then something like this comes up.

Big, golden (like the bling-bling and briefs of Xerxes, shown above) LOL.

Dairy Queen was running market research in Glorietta that day. We were hanging around the mall's smoking area when this suspicious-looking lady with a handful of papers comes up to us and asks us if we were free for ten minutes of product sampling. We think of every excuse we can come up with, but she's persistent. My spontaneous (sometimes, unfortunately, to the point of stupidity) side gives in, and they lead me to a suspicious looking corner behind the Dairy Queen branch. A sigh of relief when I see a bunch of tables and lots of people running around with trays full of orange juice, milkshakes and ice cream running around. And besides, it's their loss if they decide to serve bad quality versions of their products.

Ten minutes later, I emerge with a banana split in hand, amidst requests from my friends who, thinking I am but a clone of a now-abducted Franco, are asking me to prove my identity. I offer them the banana split, which they avoid in the way one would react to a supposedly anthrax-laced letter. And they ask me again to tell me where the real Franco is.

Life is gooooooood.

Moral of the story #1: Free orange juice, strawberry shake and banana split is never a bad thing, except maybe for a full stomach.

Moral of the story #2: Researching is really difficult, even if it doesn't appear to be. Convincing someone to spend several minutes of his life away answering questions is harder than you think, because with all the abused trust (illegal recruiters, "medical missions" and the like) in the Philippines today, everyone will be suspecting you of foul play, no matter how noble your goals really are. Besides, it wouldn't hurt to be the gullible one every now and then, unless you're really unlucky.

posted by Ocnarf @ 3:25 PM   4 have spoken


At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tungkol sa 300, mukhang pareho kami ni xta, di ko nagustuhan. it reminded meof my parents---FEUDAL!

bago rin pala url ko.:)

naka-link ka nga pala saken.:)

At 11:21 PM, Blogger Ocnarf said...

Fixed link.

About the movie, maybe it simply all boils down to "300" being more testosterone than most.

Ewan. Defensive. Ü

At 10:39 PM, Blogger leia said...

I loved 300!!! Especially the part where the queen plunges a sword through that jerk of a politician.

"Only Spartan women give birth to real men."

At 8:14 PM, Blogger Ocnarf said...

Women empowerment in the midst of an overly patriarchal society. With togas.


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