Sunday, August 10, 2008

Do not read this unless you're sure that you'll still love me in spite of the following rant


Too much to do too much to read too much to write ergo no time to write right which means you have to fight the time at night when everything's heavy and the only thing you hear are the sound which have always been there but you only notice now there's the whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr of the computer and the whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur of the disk drive when you stick a CD in this time i picked bob marley swing out sister and lighthouse family because theyre cool to have around in the laptop and because theyre good music to chill to the problem with chilling music though is that on one hand it calms you on the other hand it gets you to sleep which i believe is the ultimate waste of time i ean you are said to sleep roughly a third of your life away fuck that fuck this fuck everything else im tired and i know theres so much to do yet im bored and i just read something about people with adhd who dont know how to multitask and im thinking because my hypochondria is sinking in that maybe i too have adhd because and sometimes the temptation to get away from it all whichever way youd want to interpret that and they say intelligent people are more likely to commit all these kinds of things and unlucky me because i have enough chutzpah to classify myself as an intelligent person which is why i sometimes get into bullshit situations and which is why my dumbass of a social science two political theories teacher gives me crap on the exam because shes scared that i know more than her and everybodys scared because im not scared to say what i know and what i dont know and now theres a bird or is it a cricket going chrpchrpchrpchrpchrp in the distance to the left its probably a cricket stupid insects they get into your ears when youre trying to make up for all the sleep you lose over nothing and it is this unproductivity that particularly sucks because you waste time and time as we all know or maybe not because some people are just stupid is of the essence to put it in laymans terms time is the one resource that cannot be replaced ever more than the stupid oil and gas and shit which stinks like hell which is where i will go to if ever i went stupid and considered suicide myself in a big thornbush where every movement i make or try to make will result in me scarring and bleeding myself among a bunch of harpies going harpharpharpharpharpharpharpharpharpharpharp like a lot of people nowadays who just talk and talk and talk but dont say anything stupid people like what slipknot said people are shit even im shit for not knowing why i even put this here but now i put a cd with all sorts of weird stuff in it and it goes whuuuuuuurrrrrr again dammit im going crazy i know im suffering from information overload i need to enter a state of mind where its impossible for me to think and do anything total boredom if youd like to think about it because its been me me me me me me me me me me me me me so far so its your turn its you you you you you you and you and you and you and you and you and maybe you too even if youre a stupid person or fine even though i think youre a stupid person wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha people always laugh at the end of their statements as if its a way to punctuate themselves its stupid actually you can be sarcastic or sincere or farcical over this internet crap ok i think i have to end this now because this is taking up too much space but what the hell this is my moment yes you see its me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me all over again its me not my stupid bro who cant write a coherent blog entry to save his life or my stupid conservative dad who thinks being raised by a military man gives you the authority to do so with your kids in a sort of stupid reciprocity which does not work because of the dynamic nature of things and people to put it yet again into laymans terms for you noobs is that people change and once i was jacks docile mouth but now i have transformed into jacks screaming head screaming at the world and everything it stands for and i am also jacks crying eye shedding a tear for suicidal anarchists and people who play them in movies to be shown to people for mere entertainment i wish i had the guts to kill myself right now

posted by Ocnarf @ 9:49 PM   0 have spoken


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