Sunday, February 19, 2006

Cellphones will one day kill us.

Today, I learned that the source of one of the most harmful of the greenhouse gases comes from soldering irons, those things people use to stick circuitry together.

Therefore, putting into consideration the hundreds of soldering irons used everyday in your everyday cell phone stall, these little things may very well be the greatest threat to our lives.

The more soldering irons are used, the quicker our planet warms up.
The quicker our planet warms up, the quicker the melting of the polar ice caps.
The quicker the melting of our polar ice caps, the higher our sea level.
The higher our sea level, the more susceptible we are to tidal waves and floods.
The more susceptible we are to tidal waves and flash floods, the more people drown.
The more people drown, the lesser the people.
The lesser the people, the lesser the conflicts.
The lesser the conflicts, the lesser the wars.
The lesser the wars, the more world peace.

Say, maybe technology isn't so bad after all. After all, hasn't everybody been saying that all they want is world peace?

posted by Ocnarf @ 1:02 AM   0 have spoken


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